Update History

Section Abbreviations:
1x2 - Heero + Duo 1x3 - Heero + Trowa 1x4 - Heero + Quatre
1x5 - Heero + Wufei 1xo - Heero + Other 2x3 - Duo + Trowa
2x4 - Duo + Quatre 2x5 - Duo + Wufei 2xo - Duo + Other
3x4 - Trowa + Quatre 3x5 - Trowa + Wufei 3xo - Trowa + Other
4x5 - Quatre + Wufei 4xo - Quatre + Other 5xo - Wufei + Other
6x13 - Zechs + Treize MP - Multiple Pairings 3Somes - Threesomes

-Updated, "The Sacrifices Made For Love" |Chapter 4 Uploaded (found in 1x2, 1x5, 3somes and MP)
-Updated "I Won't Tell No One Your Name" | Chapter 8 Uploaded. (found in 2x4, 1x2, and MP)

Some changes, and a new layout, but no new fanfics...and I'm off backpacking in Europe in a week (I leave May 29th and return June19th) so yeah no updates til I get back...
-Created a new layout for the Main site page.
-fixed up the main entrance page
-rants moved to the About page
-About page updated with info on the old and new layout's
-created a new page: Gundam Wing Music Videos
-created a new page: Doujinshi Scans

Pretty large update today 8 New Fics and 1 Updated fic! I hope to do more updates later this week...
-Added "Anime Concubines" to my main and Clubs pages...
-Updated, "The Sacrifices Made For Love" |Chapter 3 Uploaded (found in 1x2, 1x5 and MP)
-Posted a new fic, "Untitled So Far" (found in 3x4)
-Posted a new fic, "Don't Slight Shinigami" (found in 1x2)
-Posted a new fic, "Metal of Legend" (found in 1x2)
-Posted a new fic, "The Wild Side" (found in 1x2, 3x4, 5xo, and MP)
-Posted a new fic, "Lost Child" (found in 1x2, 3x4, and MP)
-Posted a new fic, "The Family Curse Arc" (found in 1x2)
-Posted a new fic, "The Itsy Bitsy Spider" (found in 1x5)
-Posted a new fic, "Beautiful Goodbye" (found in 1x2)

Pretty large update today, more in the next couple days (I'm unemployed right now, and I'm happy about it too ^_^) I'll be posting new fics tomorrow if I can use the computer
-Updated, "Tainted Convictions" |Chapter 10 Uploaded (found in 1x2)
-Updated, "Black and White Make Grey" |Chapter 6 Uploaded (found in 2x5)
-Updated, "Divided World" |Chapter 10 Uploaded (found in 3x4)
-Updated, "End of Innocence" |Chapters 18-21(Epilogue) Uploaded (found in 1x2, 3x4, MP)
-Updated, "Willing Slave" |Chapters 30-34 Uploaded (found in 1x2, 3x4, 5xo, MP)

I'll be posted 4 new fics tomorrow if I can use the computer, all by Sita Seraph!
-Updated, "The Sacrifices Made For Love" |Chapter 2 Uploaded (found in 1x2, 1x5, and MP)

-Posted a new fic, "When Black and White Make Grey" (found in 2x5)

-Posted a new fic, "The Sacrifices Made For Love" (found in 1x2, 1x5, and MP) <--yeah my first 1x5, and I wrote it too!
-Updated "I Won't Tell No One Your Name" | Chapter 7 Uploaded. (found in 2x4)

-Updated "I Won't Tell No One Your Name" | Chapter 6 Uploaded. (found in 2x4)

Pretty Large Update today, 1 New fic, and 6 Fics Updated. Not to bad. I will be adding new fics soon. Maybe this weekend.
-Posted a new fic, "Eyes of a Fallen Angel" (found in 1x2)
-Updated "End of Innocence" | Chapter 7-Chapter 17 Uploaded. (found in 1x2, 3x4, and MP)
-Updated "My Beautiful Songbird" | Chapter 4-Chapter 5 Uploaded. (found in 2x5)
-Updated "Willing Slave" | Chapter 28-Chapter 29 Uploaded. (found in 1x2, 3x4, 5xo, and MP)
-Updated "Maid To Order" | Chapter 2-Chapter 5 Uploaded. (found in 1x2, 3x5, and MP)
-Updated "Divided World" | Chapter 5-Chapter 9 Uploaded. (found in 3x4)
-Updated "Fallen Angels" | Chapter 5 Uploaded. (found in 1x2, 3x4, and MP)

-Updated "Broken Wings" | Chapter 2 Uploaded. (found in 2x4)

-fixed up the archive page
-moved the Music Video Quiz to it's own page, and I finally fixed up the form!!!
-made a beginner homepage for the Gundam Angels and Demons ML
-And I FINALLY got my Banner Exchange up and running. It's in it's beginning stages, but it's up!
-Oh and I made a nice Duo + Heero background...what do you think??

-I created a new mailing list Gundam Angels & Demons

-Posted a new fic, "My Beautiful Songbird" (found in 2x5)
-added some stats to the pairings pages. Includes, # of fics archived, # of new fics this month, and # of updated fics this month. I'm working on getting "New" and "Updated" images together...

-Posted a new fic, "Though The Times" (found in 2x5)

Pretty Large Update today, 4 New fics, and 3 Fics Updated. Not to bad. Finally got the next chapter of "I Won't Tell No One Your Name" up...*yatta!*
-Posted a new fic, "Dark Kingdom" (found in 1x2, 3x4, and MP)
-Posted a new fic, "If This is the Last Kiss" (found in 5xo)
-Posted a new fic, "Private Emotion" (found in 2x5, 1x2, and MP)
-Posted a new fic, "Two Steps Behind" (found in 1x2)
-Updated "End of Innocence" | Chapter 6 Uploaded. (found in 1x2, 3x4, and MP)
-Updated "Starless Night" | Chapter 2 Uploaded. (found in 5xo)
-Updated "I Won't Tell No One Your Name" | Chapter 5 Uploaded. (found in 2x4)

-Posted a new fic, "End Of Innocence" (found in 1x2, 3x4, and MP)

-Added Chapter 27 of "Willing Slave" (found in 1x2, 3x4, 5xo, and MP) and fixed the links for this fic

I'm working on getting the large epic-like fanfics on my site...(those fanfics that are over 15 chapters or so)
-Posted a new fic, "Harvest Moon" this is a GREAT fanfic, it's in the 1x2, 3x4, and MP. (The Sequel to it will be put up soon)

-Just posted a new fic, "Willing Slave" this is a GREAT fanfic, it's in the 1x2, 3x4, 5xo and MP.

A large update will be coming at the end of this week, i have 4 days off in a row (WOW!) *ahem* now the updates for today...
-added a new fic (I wrote this one!) Broken Wings (found in the 2x4 section)
-added new chapters to: Fallen Angels |Chapter 4 added| (found in the 1x2, 3x4, and MP sections), Just A Journal |Chapters 4-8 added| (found in the 1x2 section)
-added info to the About Me page
-fixed up all the broken links of all the fanfics...if you find any broken links please Email Me and let me know!
-that's it so far...Parts 2-3 of "Maid to Order" should be up tommorrow...and hopefully more fics...they will be part of the Large update this weekend...

-added 2 new fics Damn Thing Called Love (found in the 1x2, 2x5, and MP sections) and The Starless Night (found in the 5xo section)
-added the form for the music video survey

-updated Divided World, ch 3+4 added
-added 2 new fics A Night Out and Maid To Order they can both be found in either the 1x2, 3x5 or MP sections
-I'm working on getting more fics up...I have plenty to post I just don't have the time to put them up...My work has me working almost everyday...I usually only get one day off a week, and that's not often for the month of june...but keep checking back!!!

-finished changing the layout of the pairings pages
-***I'm not going to be home until monday evening, I'll try to update then...check back on Mon, May 28...some new fics should be up later in the evening....

-started to change the layout on the pairings pages
-added a new fic Divided World
-added 2 new chapters to I Won't Tell No One Your Name (chapters 3 + 4)

-changed the layout on the main page...finally
-added a rants and about me pages

-added a new fic Fallen Angels it's a 1x2, 3x4 fic...

-added my fic (it's 2x4, with a bit of 1x2) Duo+Quatre

-added 2 more fics (they are 2x5) Duo+Wufei
-added my Links page
-fixed the entrance page
-added the Zech+Treize and Multipule Main Pairings sections for fanfics

-changed the title of this page to "The He-He Room" I like the new title...better than the old one, "Shadowess' Yaoi Gundam Wing Fanfic Archive" it was much too long...
-I have authorization of 15 authors (in total) I will be posting fics as soon as I can, but i'm working a 7 day week so I doubt I'll have much time....

-added 3 more fics, 2 Trowa + Quarte ones and 1 Wufei + Other fic
-I have authorization from at least 8 authors to post their fics, I just have to take the time to post them...it might take a while.

-page created
-added 2 Heero + Duo Fics
-joined the GW yaoi fanfiction webring
-got all main sections up. Now just waiting for content.

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