Just a Journal: Chapter 1
By: Kaylie

All that I own is mine, all that I don't own belongs so someone who isn't me. That someone probably doesn't appreciate me using their characters, but I figure it's like celebrity deathmatch; it's all impersonated in good fun!

A Simple Journal

Dear Diary,
Today was sweet. When I woke up I spent the first hour taking a nice hot shower. Fei-chan was really mad. I really don't understand why. He should work on his patience. Heero spent the morning locked up in his room. Wonder what he was up to..... Note to self: Watch Back. I talked Trowa into taking me with him to the circus. He even chose me as a clown helper person from the audience. I don't like that half-mask, though. It creeps me out. Well, I think I'm gonna go dip Wufei's hand in warm water. I know it's old, but hey, if it works it works!
Ja Ne,

Heero is really pissed at me today. I tripped on my shoelace and spilt orange juice all over him and his laptop. I want to make it up to him,but have no clue how. Besides, I thought the way the puter sparked was pretty. Guess what? I caught Quat and Trowa making out! They turned beat red. I made up a song to tease them with. I sang it under my breath whenever Trowa was near, but was an understanding angel around Quatre. It was funny. I didn't know Trowa could even get mad. I got his eyebrow to curve sinisterly in my general direction. I think Wuffie was impressed. Speaking of him......... wonder what he's up to........ Maybe I should go re-arange his little Nataku shrine. Nah, Maybe later, I gotta catch up on my Zs.

Trowa isn't mad anymore. I combed Heero's bangs while he was sleeping. It looks really freaky. They are stringy. You know what? Heero looks really peaceful and childlike when he's sleeping. I think he's cool, but it's impossible to know what the perfect soldier thinks. He probably hates me. I'm going to start a new job tomarrow. At a pawn shop. Heero fixed his laptop. I put a lot of salt in Fei's tea this morning. We had a friendly verbal spar. Quatre helped me bake cookies. They are only a little crispy this time.
........... The mighty trickster and god of death.................

I got fired from my new job. How was I supposed to know all about trading stuff in for other stuff? Oh, well. Maybe I'll get a job at the supermarket. Quatre feels bad for me. Wufei gloated because he is holding down a good job as a martial arts instructor. *shrug* I caught Heero glaring at me today. I got butterflies in my stomach. I wonder what I did to piss him off this time.

I am not writing Diary again!,
oops! Just did! Today I filled out a job aplication. Boring stuff. I cracked my knuckles a lot to annoy Wufei while he was reading. I left Trowa alone. Heero's bangs have clumped again. I'll leave them alone now. That was scary. Quatre and Trow-chan are getting really mushy. Note to self: Figure out why they are so mushy. Wait! Nevermind I don't want to know. I went for a walk and played with little kids at the playground. I like little kids. Um, lesee, what else? Oh yeah! Heero went on some "secret mission" this afternoon. I ransacked his room. I found out that he keeps a diary too. I couldn't pick all 7 locks with just one hairpin. I'm gonna go back with a few more next time he goes on a mission.

Journal Thingy,
Today I slipped a laxative in Wufei's drink. The results were amusing. He chased me around the house and threatened to cut off my beloved braid. He was REALLY pissed. Trowa fell asleep on the couch and I braided his bangs. My new job is spiffy. I get $7 an hour and only work 22 hours a week as a bagger at a grocery store. I took some of the paper bags and have wallpapered a wall in my room with them. Tomarrow I'm gonna paint a picture on them.

OMG!! Today I picked the locks on Heero's diary while he was out. He feels way more than he lets on, which is good to know. He's really lonely. I guess he feels small because all that he knows is a life dedicated to war. He is actually kinda sensitive. He wrote about a time when I called him 'Spandex'. Thinking back, he wore jeans for the next few days... Come to think of it, he writes about me a lot. Hmmm.
-a very happy shinigami

Trowa and Quatre are celebrating their 5 month anniversery. I gave them liquor and a promise not to bug them at all. They are so cute. I wish I was somebody's somebody. I had a not-so-intersting day. Heero keeps looking at me strangely when he thinks I'm not looking. I wonder if he knows that I read his diary. I want to reach out to him. He could be my somebody if only I knew what was in his soul. Anyway, I shall end this 'deep and meaningful' entry with something I noticed today: WuFei is having PMS or something. Dunno whats up with him.

Guess what?? I got Hee-chan to come to the movies with me. It was soooooo cool. The movie was an awesome comedy, but more importantly I heard Heero laugh. It's got a really nice sound. He should do it more often. It's like a soft chuckle that you have to strain to hear. My hairband broke when I was rebraiding my hair in the car. (Heero got paranoid because I was doing it while driving) So I had to wear my hair down. I don't like the way it curls. Oh, well. wufei said(snidely) that people probably assumed that I was a girl and that we were on a date. That doesn't bug me a bit ^_- G'night

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