The Starless Night-Chapter 1
By: Kai

Disclaimer : I don't own them, no... thanks Sunrise,
Warning : Yaoi, 6+5, AU, Dark, Death, Sap
Explanation : thinking in 'Italic', conversation in "--", illusion in #-#

-The Starless Night-   Part 1
By Kai

"Catch him!"

That was the order from the invader's leader to his comrades; all of them were equipped, with farming tools as their weapons, and torches, searching and seeking through all of the dark, grand castle. They had already killed all of the African* servants.

Outside, after a difficult chase, two of them dragged the small young man. One had each of his arms, and they forced
him to get down on his knees before their leader. He wore only a loose white shirt, but it was enough to cover his  frame. He had a bruise on his cheek and also on his left ankle

"Who are you?" asked the leader

"..." The young man stared back at him with fearless, black eyes.

"Hmm, you look odd, I've never seen someone with black eyes and black hair before"


"Where's he, where's the 'Marquise' ?" The leader's rough hand clutched in the young man's hair and he leaned closer to look in those dark color eyes, demanding the answer


"Answer the question! Damn it, say something!" he shouted unbearably at the young man

"Hey, you shouldn't get too close to him, we don't know if he can use the evil power or some kind of curse, look at his eyes, he may be evil himself" one of his comrades warned him with both worry and fear in his voice.

"None of the evil power exist here" was the plain answer from the silent young man.It got more attention from the invaders then he planned - all of them turned to him.

"Do you think we would believe that lie, we knew all the time that this 'Marquise' family had the bloodline from the evil, how many years that we kept silent about this, but recently all of our animals are dead, all dead! If this is not an  evil power, what else?!"

"It's called the plague, and your faulted ways of raising and feeding animals are the source of it" The young man answered expertly from his medical knowledge.

"Stop lying and tell us where the 'Marquise' is!"


"Fine, if you won't tell us, we will consider you as an evil being too, and the punishment for refusing Christ is Hanging!"

"I told you the truth but none of you believed me, it's a waste of time talking to you, so do as you please.."  he answered coldly

The small young man was dragged to the huge tree beside the castle and tied at the wrist, while the invaders managed to circle the rope around his neck. He took his last glance at the sky above, it was a starless night, even the moon was hiding behind a cloud, he closed his eyes and pictured his lover's face..

'Zechs, I love you, I wanted to see you just one more time to say I'm sorry, but it was too late.. please, Zechs, will you miss me..'


The next stormy night when the 'Marquise' returned to his place by the rental horse carriage, he noticed, as he stepped off the carriage, that the entire castle was dark , as though no one was there, and none of his servants came out to welcome him. 'Maybe because of the storm?' he thought. He paid for the ride and headed inside, pulling his coat over his head for cover from the heavy rain

The front door wasn't locked, questionly he pushed one side open, and suddenly the rich scent of blood rushed to him. In the dark, his feet stumbled on something, so he reached for the sconce and match that usually set near the door. When the light come up, his scream also welled up, at the sight of his servants' bodies overlaid like a pile of
clotch, the blood flowed everywhere, it was real nightmare but it was just the beginning..

He searched everywhere for his lover, everywhere he looked, he saw only bloodstains or wreckage of his belongings. 'What the hell had happened here?' ran through his mind. 'Please my love, be safe' he though over and over but he still couldn't find his beloved. He kept searching until there was nowhere left unsearched in his castle.He stared out the window hopelessly, and  the strong strike of the thunder outside couldn't compare with his heartbeat  when he saw the familiar slim body that was hung lifelessly under the huge tree... the huge tree was
the same tree that he used to kiss his lover in authum, used to sit and hold him in early winter, and used to sway the swing together in the summer..


The fatal wind was raging like a mad wave outside the bloodstained windows..

to be continue~


* really sorry about this, but this will effect story line in the following part, forgive me ^^'

Kai: is it good? or at least, readable? my first time for AU

What about it? feedback please, critic, correct grammar, anything..

Edited by : Kalyn, thanks!

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