I Won't Tell No One Your Name
By: Shadowess

I Won't Tell No One Your Name
Chapter 7

A/N: Not much, if you would like to be emailed when this fic is updated please email me and let me know and I'll add you to my Fanfic Update list.(shadowess_studios@hotmail.com)

Archive: The He-He Room (http://gwyaoifics.arecool.net)
If you want it, just ask! (shadowess_studios@hotmail.com)

Warnings: Same as other chapters, Evil-Heero, yaoi, violence, some forced affections...MAYBE a lemon later if I get up the guts to write it..this is my first GW fic and my first yaoi...so go easy on me...
On with the Fic:

Chapter 7-Be Careful

Downstairs Quatre finally let go of his deathgrip and the banister.
"Quatre what really happened to Duo?" Quatre turned to Trowa and said in a whisper,
"It was Heero."

Trowa was taken aback,
"What?" Quatre moved and took Trowa's hand and led him into the hanger.
"It was Heero who hurt Duo."
"How did it happen?" Quatre bit his lip, he didn't want to betray Duo, but he didn't think he could handle Heero by himself, and Duo was obviously not going to say anything.
"Remember that friend I was telling you about?"
"It was Duo."
"You mean Duo and Heero are in a relationship?" Quatre nodded solemnly. "And Heero is abusing Duo." Quatre nodded again.
"Oh Trowa, I didn't want to betray Duo, but I didn't know what to do." Trowa put a comforting arm around Quatre.
"How did it start?" Quatre looked at the ground, he suddenly found the hem of his shirt interesting,
"Well, Duo and I were watching a movie, and well," Quatre sighed, "Well I like Duo, actually I think I love him." Quatre looked up at Trowa, Trowa smiled and nodded his head,
"I thought so." Quatre looked shocked,
"W-What? How did you know?" Trowa laughed,
"I could tell just by the way you looked at him, actually you more stared," Quatre blushed, "And by the way you acted around him, but please continue." Quatre nodded,
"Well I kinda made a bit of a move on Duo, but I read into his reaction the wrong way and I figured that he was disgusted with me. I ran to my room, then duo picked my lock and talked with me. Turns out he's the same as me, but he's in love with Heero."
Quatre hung his head. "Then just as I was going to tell Duo how I felt about him Heero bust in demanding that Duo come with him. Duo happily went along with Heero. The next morning I bumped into Duo as he was returning from his shower and noticed a bruise on his cheek and I asked him if Heero was the one who hit him and he told me it was. He explained that Heero and him had gotten together the night before and Heero sort of lost his temper. You know how Heero is." Trowa nodded.
"Anyways, I sort of expressed my concern about Heero hitting Duo and Duo assured me that if Heero got out of line he would let him go. Later while I was eating lunch I heard people yelling in the hanger. I opened the door to see Heero yelling at Duo and shoving him back. Then Heero shoved Duo one more time and Duo hit into the wall and his head snapped back and cracked against the wall." Quatre hugged himself, shivering at the memory. "Then Heero slapped Duo across the face, kissed Duo roughly, then left the hanger. After Heero was gone I rushed to help Duo. I brought him into the house and bandaged his wounds. He refused to tell me who attacked him and I didn't have the heart to tell him that I saw it was Heero. Then Heero returned and he and I got into an argument about what happened to Duo. Then Heero told Duo to go upstairs to their room. He shouldn't have been moving, not with a concussion, but he listened to Heero and went upstairs. I was concerned so I followed a moment later and heard Heero making excuses for hitting Duo, and Duo bought it! Then Duo fell asleep, I assume, then Heero said 'You're mine Duo.' It chilled me right to the bone. Trowa I'm afraid for Duo, and I don't know what to do." Trowa just stayed mute for a while and processed the information.
"Quatre like I said before, you should speak with Duo. Explain to him that this relationship isn't good or safe for him. We both know that Duo can take care of himself, but when blinded by love any contact is good contact. Heero is acting really possessive of Duo, and Duo may think that it just means that Heero loves him. You'll have to talk to Duo, and talk to him alone without being interrupted by Heero barging in. I'm a little afraid for you, Quatre." Quatre looked up at Trowa,
"What do you mean?"
"Well Heero probably knows that you care for Duo. He might think you are going to try and take Duo away from him. If Heero will hit Duo then he could very well try and harm you fro getting in the way." Quatre nodded. He had also thought about that. "But I'll have your back Quatre. I think we should talk to Wufei as well. Then maybe the three of us can keep an eye out for Duo to help prevent anything further from happening." Quatre smiled and hugged Trowa,
"Thank you so much Trowa. Could you speak to Wufei when he returns. I'll try to get some time alone with Duo, if I can."
"Of course Quatre." Quatre released Trowa and moved to the door, "And Quatre,"
"Yes Trowa?"
"Be careful." Quatre nodded.
"I will, thank you again Trowa." With that Quatre exited the hanger and shut the door.


A/N: There I got another chapter out and in less than a week *beams* Sorry this chapter was sort of a bridge, I needed Quatre to explain to Trowa everything that was going on. Don't worry next chapter will have more action in it. This time I promise to have more chapters of my fics out faster, I'm kinda moving down to part-time at work so I have more time to spend making friends with my keyboard! =)

Also if you are a GW fanfic author (for yaoi only) and have some fics you'd like to submit to my GW Yaoi Fanfic Archive please email me and let me know...I'll reply asap and get your fic up. Check the site at
The He-He Room

And check out my mailing list that's listed there! it's called "Gundam Angels and Demons"

On To Chapter 8

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