I Won't Tell No One Your Name
By: Shadowess

I Won't Tell No One Your Name
Chapter 6

A/N: Not much, sorry it's taking me so long between chapters...I'll try to get them out faster. *bows* gomen
Also if you would like to be emailed when this fic is updated please email me at shadowess_studios@hotmail.com and let me know and I'll add you to my update list.

Archive: The He-He Room (http://gwyaoifics.arecool.net)
If you want it, just ask! (shadowess_studios@hotmail.com)

Warnings: Same as other chapters, Evil-Heero, yaoi, violence, some forced affections...MAYBE a lemon later if I get up the guts to write it..this is my first GW fic and my first yaoi...so go easy on me...
On with the Fic:

Chapter 6-You're Mine

Heero stalked after Duo and stopped at their room. Duo was leaning against the wall with a hand to his head, panting hard.
"Go into our room Duo." Duo flinched as Heero spoke, then righted himself and opened the door to their room. He staggered into the room intent on the chair at the desk. His head was pounding.
Heero shut the door behind him forcefully. He stormed across the room to were Duo was almost sitting at the desk and grabbed his arm.
"What did you tell Quatre?" He hissed. Duo's eyes widened,
"I-I didn't tell him anything Heero, I swear." Duo lowered his eyes.
"Then why was he protecting you?"
"I don't know." Duo muttered. Heero grabbed Duo's chin and raised his head.
"What was that Duo?!" Duo knocked Heero away from him,
"I said I don't know! Back off Heero!" Heero's eyes took on a murderous gleam. He closed the distance between Duo and himself. Duo stood firm, glaring at Heero.
"Heero, I'm not your possession. You can't-You can't scare me into submitting to you." Duo's resolve started to crumble as Heero continued to stare him down.
"Really?" Heero asked with menace in his voice.
"Y-Yes." Duo took a step back from Heero. Heero again closed the distance.
"I think you are wrong Duo."
"I don't want you as a possession." Duo just stood staring at Heero.
"But today in the hanger-" Heero pressed a finger to Duo's lips.
"Shh, I was just a little hung over. I shouldn't have hurt you Duo." A smile formed on Duo's face.
"Oh Heero!" Duo threw himself into Heero's arms. "I love you."
Heero hid a malicious smile in Duo's shoulder.
"Don't tell Quatre what happen." Duo broke from the embrace.
"Oh ok, sure!" Duo began to waver and clung onto Heero.
"You should lie down Duo."
"Yeah." Heero lead Duo towards his bed. Duo lay down and Heero spooned up behind him. Duo promptly fell asleep. Heero stroked Duo's braid for a while then he wrapped his leg over Duo's body and tightened his arms around the sleeping body.
"You're mine Duo." He whispered into Duo's ear. "You just don't admit it yet."

Quatre paced at the foot of the stairs. He was fuming mad and Heero and terribly worried about Duo. Quatre jumped when Duo and Heero's bedroom door was slammed shut. He strained for sounds of a fight but heard nothing. He moved up the stairs to stand outside Duo and Heero's room. He knew it was wrong to eavesdrop on Duo but he was concerned. Quatre gasped as he heard Heero trying to justify hitting Duo because of a hangover. Quatre was even more shocked that Duo just excepted Heero explanation. Quatre's heart clenched when he heard Duo exclaim "Oh Heero I love you!" Quatre shook his head, maybe Heero actually cared for Duo, but regardless of a hangover or not, Heero should have never hurt Duo. Just as Quatre went to move away he overheard Heero speaking to Duo in hushed tones, "You're mine Duo." A wave of cold water crashed over Quatre. 'It was just a show to gain back Duo's trust.'
"The offal thing is, it worked." Quatre silently seethed.

Later that day, Trowa returned to the house and found Quatre sitting in the kitchen stabbing at some pasta.
"Quatre is something wrong?" Trowa asked quietly. Quatre jumped a little at the question. He turned to face Trowa,
"No, I mean yes, Oh I don't know." Trowa pulled up a chair next to Quatre.
"You can talk to me Quatre." Quatre smiled.
"I know Trowa. It's actually not really something wrong with me." Trowa nodded for Quatre to continue. Quatre pushed his butchered pasta away and turned to face Trowa.
"It's actually a friend of mine. Their in a relationship, a bad relationship and they don't know it." Trowa nodded again.
"What sort of bad relationship?" Quatre looked at his hands, he didn't want to tell Trowa flat out that it was Duo and Heero he was talking about.
"An abusive relationship." Trowa sucked in a breath.
"I see. You see what's wrong with the relationship, but you friend's view is clouded by how they feel." Quatre nodded,
"Yes and I and truly afraid for them. It's a new relationship and it's already off on the wrong foot."
"Have you spoken to your friend about your concerns?" Quatre looked at his hands.
"I sort of have. They are just so happy that they finally won over the person they've wanted for such a long time. I don't want to ruin their happiness, but I also don't want they to stay in an abusive relationship." Trowa took one of Quatre's hands.
"Quatre the best advice I can give you is to talk to your friend. Let them know what you are seeing and that it has you concerned. Be their to support them. Most of these relationships usually turn really ugly before the person finally understands that it's a toxic relationship."
"Thank you for the advice Trowa." Quatre stood and exited the kitchen. As Quatre was moving through the doorway he was shoulder checked by Heero. Quatre stumbled back. Heero glared at Quatre and growled out,
"I said to watch it Winner." Quatre straightened himself and shot Heero a glare of his own and left the kitchen.

Trowa stared at Heero,
"What was that for Heero?" Heero turned to Trowa,
"Mind your own business Barton." Trowa opened his mouth to comment when a thud was heard in the living room. Trowa and Heero rushed out of the kitchen.

"Duo are you alright?" Quatre asked as he assisted Duo to stand after Duo had stumbled down the last 2 stair steps. "You shouldn't be out of bed."
"I'll be alright. Sorry Kat, I was hungry." Duo smiled, his smile faltered as he saw Heero moving towards him with an angry look on his face.
"Duo what happened?" Trowa asked gesturing to the bandages on Duo's head and arm.
"Oh uh-"
"He fell while helping me with Wing." Heero cut in. Quatre looked up at Heero,
"No he didn't-"
"Back off Winner." Heero snapped. "I'll help Duo back to our room." Heero shoved Quatre out of the way and put Duo's arm over his shoulder and moved to the stairs.
"I'm sorry Heero." Duo said quietly.
Duo and Heero made their way up the stairs and into their room.

Downstairs Quatre finally let go of his deathgrip and the banister.
"Quatre what really happened to Duo?" Quatre turned to Trowa and said in a whisper,
"It was Heero."

A/N: There finally got that chapter out! *fewf* now I have to work on "Broken Wings" and my sailor moon fic. I also have a couple songfics in mind. But this time I promise to have more chapters of my fics out faster, I'm kinda moving down to part-time at work so I have more time to spend making friends with my keyboard! =)

Also if you are a GW fanfic author (for yaoi only) and have some fics you'd like to submit to my GW Yaoi Fanfic Archive please email me and let me know...I'll reply asap and get you fic up. Check the site at
The He-He Room

And check out my mailing list that's listed there! it's called "Gundam Angels and Demons"

On To Chapter 7

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