I Won't Tell No One Your Name
By: Shadowess

I Won't Tell No One Your Name
Chapter 4

A/N: Well I'm having more time to write this fic than I thought. My boyfriend is busy working on a project for school and I have nothing better to do than work on this fic. So here's the next chapter. As always reviews pump up my ego and make me write faster ^_^ I hope to have the next chapter out soon. My work schedule has finally calmed down and it's pretty consistent, now that most summer stock is in and we have a new part-timer...anyways, on with the fic...*wonders if anyone actually reads the author's notes...*

Warnings: Evil-Heero, violence, yaoi (male/male) situations-if you don't like then stop reading this fic...oh btw, this is a 1x2/2x4 fic...the other characters don't really show up, but they might make a cameo appearance =)
On with the fic:

Chapter 4-Yes Heero

~In the Hanger~

"Hee-chan!!" Duo exclaimed as he bounced into the hanger. He skipped along the ground until he came up to Wing. He walked around the gundam and found Heero hunched over his labtop.
"Hey Heero!" Duo chimed.
"Yes?" Heero grunted.
"Why are you fixing up Wing, I mean it's not like we're at war anymore."
"It's good to be prepared."
"I guess." Duo came up to Heero and put his arm around him.
"Just wanted to talk to you, about last night I mean." Heero ducked under Duo's arm and walked around the front of Wing to inspect his upgrades.
"What about last night?" Duo was a little stung by the cold tone of Heero's voice.
'No! What if he doesn't even remember what happened?' Duo, suddenly crestfallen, asked,
"Heero do you remember what happened last night?" Heero stopped and looked at Duo,
"Yes I do." The breath Duo was holding rushed out of his lungs.
"Great, so what's the story with 'us'?"
"What do you mean?" Duo panicked again.
"Well last night, we, umm, well we kissed and stuff."
"I know what we did last night."
"Yeah and what does that make us, are we, together?"
"Yeah you know boyfriend and girl-er boyfriend." Duo smiled hopefully.
"I guess so."
"Hee-chan that's great!" Duo hugged Heero tightly.
"You have no idea how long I've been waiting for us to get together! Who've thought that the same night I tell Quatre I like you, you come right out and say you feel the same." Heero stopped and took hold of Duo's arm.
"You told Quatre?" Duo looked down at Heero's grip on his arm,
"Yeah I did."
"What did you tell him?" Duo shrugged off Heero's hand and turned,
"Nothing, just that I liked you. Well and I bumped into him on my way back from the shower." Heero stepped closer,
"Your shower? What were you wearing?" Duo turned to Heero,
"A towel."
"Did he touch you?"
"What? No. Of course not. Jeez chill out Heero."
"Did you tell him I hit you?" Duo unconsciously reached his hand up to his bruised cheek.
"He guessed."
"What else did you tell him?"
"Just about last night. Calm down, hell you're acting like I belong to you or something."
"You do." Heero stated plainly. Duo stopped,
"You're mine Duo." Heero stepped towards Duo. Duo backed up,
"Like hell I do. I don't 'belong' to you. You can't treat me like a possession!" Duo started to stalk off when Heero grabbed his arm and turned him around.
"I can do whatever I like." Duo tried to break Heero's grip on his arm. Heero was hold so tightly Duo knew he would have bruises.
"Screw off Heero. Let me go!"
"No!" Duo punched Heero in the face. Heero head slowly turned to Duo and their eyes locked. Heero let go of Duo's arm and wiped his bleeding lip with the back of his hand. Duo backed away, then turned and ran. Heero took after him and shoved Duo from behind. Duo crashed into the ground with a loud thud.
"You shouldn't have done that Duo." Duo scrambled up. He had never been afraid of Heero, until now. The fall had caused a large cut up Duo's right arm. Duo turned and faced Heero.
"Fuck off!"
"Shut up Duo!" Heero advanced and shoved Duo in the chest. Duo stumbled back.
"You will do whatever I say" Another shove.
"Whenever I say." Duo stumbled and fell. Heero hauled him up by his injured arm. Duo hissed in pain. Heero yanked Duo in and kissed him forcefully. Heero threw Duo back.
"You belong to me Duo!" Heero pushed Duo again.
"And if you say anything to Quatre or the others," Heero shoved Duo back,
"You'll regret it." Heero thrust Duo back once more. Duo's body crashed into the wall. His head smashed against the wall. Duo's vision started to blur and dark spots began to cloud his sight. Heero grabbed Duo's chin,
"You understand?" Duo didn't respond. Heero slapped Duo across the face. Duo's head snapped to the side.
"I said, Do you understand?"
"Y-yes." Heero took his chin again and kissed him roughly.
"Good!" Heero left Duo and stormed away. He left the safehouse. Duo slid down the wall and whispered,
"Yes Heero." The he fell into unconsciousness.


A/N: *laughs* Another cliffhanger, sorry...I originally wrote more into this chapter but it was a change in POV and it made it hard to follow so I'm moving that part to the next chapter...next chapter soon...Again Please review...
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