Tainted Convictions - Chapter 4

By: Sita Seraph

Title: Tainted Conviction – Chapter Four

Author: Sita Seraph

Genre: Angst, Religious relatings

Pairing: 1x2, 3x4 eventually.

Rated: R

Warning: Gruesome treatment, stigmata, sixth sense, and a whole lot of shit.



Duo slowly rose in half sleep, eyelids drooping in front of beautiful hazy violet eyes.  The boy rose soundlessly from his bed, moving his nude body to the glass window that shone in the light of the moon outside.  Tilting his head to the heavens, Duo watched the clear, star speckled sky with eyes void of emotion.  But inside the pool of purple were the reflection of bright stars and the beautiful light of the moon.  Tangles of brown hair fell around the slim body of a mere boy, falling gracefully along his rear end in curls.

With eyes unclouded…

Duo slowly lowered his eyes to the ground outside from his position on the second floor.  Staring at the rocked gravel of the driveway to their secluded home, the sleepy Duo gave a weary smile as he watched two children kick an orange ball back and forth between each other.  The little red head girl laughed, hand upon her straw hat as she kicked the bouncing ball with all her might, pink dress flying and showing the white laced panties underneath.  The older red head boy raced and kicked the ball back, the round shape bouncing happily against the grass and gravel and out of reach from the tiny girl.  Making a squeal, she chased after the ball, smiling with glee.

Duo gave a sad smile as they faded from his sight.


Duo turned his head around to look over his shoulder and locked eyes upon Heero Yuy as he sat up from the black covered bed.  The moonlight trailed across the dark room and seemed to have melted in Heero’s lap, radiating his face and bare chest with a pale glow.  Duo noted that Heero must have discarded his tank top when he decided to rest with his troubled companion and unconsciously, Duo silently sucked in his breath.

Oh god…he’s so beautiful…Duo thought, a weakening feeling growing in his knees and heart beginning to thump loudly in his chest.  Many times Duo had wanted to see Heero’s perfect chest and go figure it had been now…when he felt so weak…

“Duo?  What are you doing up?” Heero questioned, eyebrow lifting up half way.  Duo bit back a smile, wondering how lucky he was going to be to see this rare side of Heero before the mask returned.  The poor pilot sighed slowly.  It wouldn’t be long for the mask to appear, though…but how much he was in love with the man inside.

No! He wasn’t in love with him.  Goddamn him, he wasn’t gay.  He just felt close to the Gundam pilot and that was _all_.  If it was love, he would have all the tingles and jingles and he never ever had those.  No.  No way.  Totally straight.

“Duo,” Heero warned, impatient at the ex-pilot’s blank expression. 

“I was…just watching the children, Heero,” Duo said after another moment’s hesitation and slowly made his way to the bed.  The happy pilot had completely forgot his nude state and it was all that Heero could do but to ignore the sway of his hair and hips.  And especially…other places.

Duo crawled back under the covers; the faint glow of the moon captured in his hair and lay down.  Heero watched him with intrigued and perhaps worried eyes and Duo gave a happy grin.


“Night, Heero.”



One Week Later


Duo waved cheerfully at his friends as they drove down the dusty road, red paint barely visible under the chunks of mud upon it.  The climb for the jeep was quite a steep one and it was impossible to keep it clean after the nights of weary weather they had been having.  Quatre’s blonde head stuck itself out of the window and the innocent pilot waved good-bye.

“Have fun doing paperwork!” Duo called, grinning.

A slow smile spread across the boyish face. “Have fun doing chores!”


But Quatre didn’t answer, merely laughed and slipped back into the muddy red jeep and disappeared beyond sight behind a large hill.

“No fair, Quatre Winner!” Duo called, shaking his fist into the air.  He hated chores.  And homework.  And Heero’s laptop. And silence!

Duo sighed heavily, pale shoulders slumping and moved back into the empty house.  Might as well get the dustpan out.




“Do you think he’s going to be all right?” Quatre asked, turning his head to Wufei as he drove down the highway to the Preventor head quarters.  Behind them, Heero and Trowa relaxed against the comfortable leather seats, seeming content to going back to regular schedule.

“That’s the second time you’ve asked that,” Wufei pointed out, eyes on the road.

“He’ll be fine,” Trowa confirmed, eyes out the window to watch the fast moving landscape.  “We all need to get on with our lives, especially Duo.  You know he hates being taken cared of.”

“Yes, but he needs it,” Quatre urged, uncertainty clinging onto his voice.

“No,” Wufei said, taking his eyes off the road for a moment.  “What he needs is us to stop raising eyebrows when he goes into the bathroom.  Or look at him when he coughs.  Or ask him constantly about his pale skin.  Or-.”

“All right, but you know how much he lost that night!” Quatre said, turning around in his seat.

“Yes, enough for him to be most certainly dead,” Heero spoke up, arms crossing over his chest.  Lifting his eyes from the floor, he met Quatre’s eyes.  “Lets just give him a day alone.  This is a chance to see if he can take care of himself.”

“Agreed,” Trowa said eyes never leaving the countryside and tilting slightly in his seatbelt as Wufei met the sharp turns in the road.

“Take it easy,” Quatre cautioned before returning to the main subject.  “And if he can’t?  What if he is having one of his attacks right now?  He can die if-.”

“If he was dead, he would be right now,” Heero cut him off.  “And he isn’t.  He’s bouncing around the house all the time, trying to show us that he’s fine.”

“Which he is,” Wufei cut in.  “He changed my shampoo into honey this morning, raving about revenge and hot water.”

Trowa snickered from the backseat then suddenly stopped and looked closer outside.

“Wufei,” Trowa addressed.




“Do it!”

Immediately, the jeep stopped and Quatre was thrown forward against his seat belt.  Huffing, the boy flew back harder into the seat.

Heero grumbled from the backseat. “Thanks for testing the brakes, Wufei.”

Trowa didn’t bother to complain at the abrupt stop and threw open the door, seat belt slamming against the seat as it was ripped off.  The older boy ran back a few feet from the jeep, and stopped at the edge of the cliff, looking down.

“Trowa?” Quatre called, throwing open his door and stepping out of the muddy car.

“Come here!” Trowa waved his friends over, eyes never leaving from whatever he was looking at at the bottom of the cliff.  The three pilots crawled out of the jeep and walked over, curiosity peaked at what had caught the silent pilot’s interest.

“What-.” Quatre started but stopped short as he looked down the rocky terrain cliff and the jagged rocks below.

“What the hell?” Wufei finished the sentence, confused eyes lowered upon the bright red metal beaming up at them.

Down below, bent and broken upon the crumbles of rocks, laid Duo’s once brand new motorcycle, red paint glinting in the sunlight with dust and scratches upon the new metal.  It was bent in an odd position as the impact upon the carefully made machine broke its back in more ways than one. The front wheel was tilted upwards to the pilots, as if it begged for help and cried in pain.

Silence fell upon the pilots before Heero gently broke it, “I think Duo has some explaining to do.”

All three pilots nodded in silent agreement.

“Let’s get back to the house.”




Duo laughed and narrowed his eyes upon the tiled kitchen floor before him.  Grinning manically, the boy moved forward and slid across the floor gracefully.  Behind him, music pounded from the stereos, singing the old song ‘Original Prankster’ by the old band Offspring.

“Noise, noise!” Duo sang as he skid upon his soaped lathered spongy feet.  Behind him, he left a trail of bubbling clean substance.  Dancing and sliding around the tiled floor, Duo moved his arms around crazily, getting completely lost in the music blasting from the stereo.  No one was watching him so he got crazy with his dances, butt shaking, arms waving and braid twisting around madly. 

“Knock down the walls, it’s alive in you!” Duo screamed, head banging while he pretended that he was the drummer and started murdering his instrument with crucial blows to the fake plates.

“You can do it!” Duo sang, added an Italian accent to his voice and shaking his tush.  He moved faster around the kitchen table and stopped suddenly.

“You know, it smells like shit, god damn!” Duo screamed at the top of his lungs, showing his love for his favorite line in the entire song.  He started dancing around again, pretending he had a microphone in hand and singing along with the song once again.

When the song ended, Duo stood breathless in the middle of the kitchen, soapsuds bubbling on the tiled floor.  Smiling at his accomplishment, the happy pilot went to change his sponges for watery ones to wipe off the floor.  Slipping off his footwear, Duo passed a window in the living room…and stopped short.  Double taking, the Shinigami maniac looked outside as he watched a red jeep come into view.  Raising an eyebrow, Duo went to the window.

Did they forget something? Duo thought, tilting his head.  They would have been at the Preventors now.  Why are they coming back?

Suddenly it hit him.

“God damn you, Quatre.  Did you convince-.”

Jerking, Duo’s eyes grew wide and he dropped his sponges to the floor, cowering over.  Pain shot through his wrists and the boy cried out in panic, in pain, and in horror.  Duo collapsed to the floor, his hands and knees breaking most of his fall.

“Oh God!” Duo cried out, violet eyes wide in horror then screamed as he felt something break through his wrists forcefully.  Blood filled his vision as it splattered across the carpet as skin and bones broke.

“NOOO!!!” Duo screamed at the top of his lungs.  “ STOP!  NO, STOP!”

Suddenly, Duo’s hands flew up into the air and his body was pulled taut.  Arms spread out wide across from him and Duo screamed in horror as he had lost complete control of his body…


Blood dripped noiselessly upon the carpet and Duo felt tears begin to break to the surface.  His arms were lacing with pain, starting from the wrists that each had a hole going right through.

“HELP ME!!!” Duo screamed.  He heard the roar of the jeep’s engine just outside.  Duo screamed louder, harder, his voice cracking in horror, in pain to be heard.  The engine was cut off.  Voices were heard.  Duo saw a glimpse of Heero’s head from the window.

Arms suddenly falling heavily to his sides, the front door swung open and Heero filled the doorway, gun at ready and pointed straight at Duo’s head.

“Duo…” Heero stared wide-eyed.  Duo gave a sigh of relief…just before he fell forward and blacked out.

On To Chapter 5

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