Just a Journal: Chapter 5
By: Kaylie

Disclaimer: Some big wig in a suit probably owns gundam wing, I on the other hand, don't even own a suit.

Just a Journal

Having your arm broken really sucks monkey. I am sooooooooo bored and I have only had a broken arm for like a day. Its not broken that bad, but whenever I get up to do something My Mother Dearest (Quatre) says something about how I shouldn't be moving my arm at all and ushers me to some "productive" television show. It's not even Jerry Springer. Can you believe that here on earth in Japan they don't have Jerry Springer? We have it on all the colonies and Quatre said that they had it in Arabia, or wherever he's from. That's it. I am going up to the roof to get all the gutter slop and put it in a bucket . Then I'm going to fill Quatres shoes and Wufeis hair gel bottle with it. They are driving me up a wall. And my arm hurts.

I rebroke my arm climbing the rose vine holder thing. Trelace, or something. I didn't tell anyone but Heero and he told me that it was a stupid thing to do. Great. I am going to take a hot shower. Quatre and Trowa are out shopping and I bribed Trowa. He's gonna get me some beer in exchange for some information. It's kinda funny. I wonder what information he wants......
On the bright side of today, I still get to take martial arts and don't have to job hunt. Wufei said that working with a broken arm will help me learn something about fighting through pain or something like that.

My arm is still broken. Today was good. I attempted to have a conversation with Heero. He actually said a few words. They were "Grey", "A long time ago", and "None of your business". Ah, memories. I think he was actually being sarcastic when he said his favorite color was grey. We've got progress!

Book that I write in,
Still taking lessons with Wuffy-chan isn't as fun as I thought it would be. After he karate hi-ya-ed my already throbbing arm for the fourth time we decided to just watch Ranma. I think I'm addicted. Its really cool! Now I have Kenshin, Ranma, 3x3 eyes, Those who hunt elves, Gundam, and Care Bears. Yes I admit it! I like Care Bears! I am really tired, but I'm still going to put on that lip stick I stole from Relena and get lipstick smudges on Quatre's shirt. He was away with Dorothy all day. I know that Trowa does laundry this week. I heard Wufei ask Hee-chan who's turn it was and.... Yeah. The perfect plan. If Quarter get in too much of a pickle I'll come clean.

Trowa believes Quatre unconditionally! It's amazing! I heard it all go down. Quatre just said he didn't and Trowa believe him! Whoa, that is true love. I wish I had someone who believed me like that. Then again, I'm not all that believable. Sure, I never tell a lie, but I stay quiet. In a way silence or just telling part of the story is a lie. Anyway, they talked and everything is fine. Maybe Trowa can just tell or something. He's caught me climbing around the outside of the house before. He seems to have some sort of wise sixth sense. Heero has one too, but in a different way. Wufei and I are the normal ones. Quatre could be normal if he weren't so mushy and didn't have that space-heart thing going on.

Heero and I went on a hike today. I told him that I didn't want to go out in the woods and get lost by myself so he said he'd get lost with me and grabbed his coat. It was so sweet. He said more that I've ever heard him say.... He pointed out all the different animals. I'm a city kid so I have no clue, but apparently he's had some woods work. I was really tempted to ask him why he was in a mental institution at age four, but didn't. That would have spoiled the moment. It was almost like a dream, truth be told. I found some poison ivy and carefully put it in my sack. It'll come in handy if Quatre yips at me for going somewhere with a broken arm. I don't know what his problem is. He doesn't baby anyone else when they get hurt, not even Trowa. Back to the highlight of my glorious day now, Heero and I went on a hike. *sigh* He is dreamy. Oh crap. I hear someone out in the hall! Gotta Go!
~A happy joyous Duo
On to Chapter 6

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