Just a Journal: Chapter 4
By: Kaylie

Okay, this is just another chapter. Part about duo and Wufei is not ;p loosely based off my own dealings with a school prep. (Well....... maybe just a little ^_~)

Just a Journal- part four

Hey Journal,
Today was mediocre. Nothing much happened to tell the truth. (and I never lie.) I fiddled with the ice machine on the fridge a little. Hehe. The next person who goes for ice is going to get mini ice cubes engraved into his forehead. I spied on Quatre, and sorta caught him with Trowa. I ran in sheer terror. It's not that I'm freaked out by that stuff or anything, it's just that it's private, you know? Not meant to be intruded on.
~Maxwell the Demon ^_^

Dear Diary,
Today was off to a terrible start. Heero hadn't said a word to me all morning and then Relena came over to top things off. I don't want her dead or anything, but gosh damn she can be so annoying. Fawning over Heero like that. Makes me sick. Always 'Heeeeeeeeeeerro come rip off my head and spit down my neck!' or 'Heeeeeeeeeeeeerrrrrooooooooo save me!' Well she should make up her mind. Does she want Hee-chan to kill her ass or save her ass? I just wrote Hee-chan. Whoa. She stayed like all day. I stayed only long enough to see her reaction to Heero trying to self destruct again. As expected she went on some kind of pacifist rant. I shoot up to my room and played really loud NIN music just so they wouldn't forget I existed.

Mission today. Will be gone for at least two days. Can't write about it. Trowa and Wufei are coming too.
~The God of Death

It's been 5 days since I last wrote. Let's just say that the mission was successful, but we kinda got stranded for a few days in the middle of nowhere. I learned a lot. About Wufei in particular. He's not such a jerk. We were stuck together for a long time while Trowa went to find communication and I learned a lot. I found out just how much he knows about martial arts. I had no idea it was so hard. I know a few basics, but Wufei is like a human weapon. He started to teach me some cool moves. I think I'm gonna start taking lessons. I also learned a little bit about the way he feels about stuff. He doesn't like Relena either, and he's also a Kenshin fan. Can you believe it? He deserves way more credit than I've been giving him.

Landmark! I cooked a decent meal! I think everyone was totally surprised. Don't know why....... They couldn't have doubted my cooking abilities, could they? Nah. Haha. I showed them! I made five whole lean cuisines all by myself and the microwave still works. I caught Heero snooping around my room today. I'm both flattered and scared. I check for bombs and cameras and stuff, but just to be sure I'm gonna bunk on the couch. Never know. On the other hand Heero was in my room! I should go in there and never come out. Definitely not obsessed. Not me! I"m also kinda hyper. Don't know why. I think I'll take my chances and sleep in here. But not before going and hiding Quatre's stuffed flamingo that Trowa got him for his b-day not to long ago. He kisses it goodnight every night. I wonder when Heero's b-day is.

I am really tired today. I spent the whole night cracking into the heavily coded files of the mysterious 'Heero Yuy'. It took me 8 hours and 16 minutes, but I got it. I was so proud. I figured on at least a full 15 hours and 10 minutes. Odin Lowe Jr., born March 14, was placed in a mental establishment at age four for unnamed reasons. Adopted at age five. Is now believed to be the 'inhuman' pilot of the gundam wing. Well the last part was a no-brainer. If I want anything more extensive than that I'm gonna have to go straight to the paper work in the Doctors office, because I can't get the rest. I always was a better thief than hack. Quatre found his flamingo. Wufei signed me up for lessons under the condition that I not play any pranks on him until I quit taking martial arts. Heero took a nap late this afternoon and I snuck in and lit 20 candles before he started to wake up. He is such a light sleeper.

Dearest Diary,
Today was good. I have a mission with Heero that starts tomorrow. I'm so anxious! Heero is finally aloud to go on missions. Quatre and Trowa are at the movies right now. I'm gonna go see if I can recruit Wufei to help me make diner. I don't feel like lean cuisine. Earlier I taught Wufei how to sing the Kenshin theme song in English. He already knows the Chinese and Japanese ways. I was going to teach him the Spanish way too, but I forgot how it ends.

I busted my arm on the mission. Heero was the bomb. I probably got hurt because I spaced in the middle of battle watching Heero. Not the smartest. It's not a bad break though. Wufei lent me the tapes to a show called 'Ranma «'. Wonder if it's any good.....hmmm. Off to investigate.
~The Mighty Broken Armed One

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