Just a Journal: Chapter 2
By: Kaylie

This is the next set of entries *Dum Dum Dum* I did revise the first section a little because of some minor confusion and feedback. ^_^ As if you didn't know: I don't even own the outfit I'm wearing right now, much less Gundam Wing. Whoever does own them is one lucky cup of toilet water!

Just a Journal

Dear Piece of Paper,
A revelation hit me today after dinner. I was sitting on the front steps watching Trowa kick Quatre's ass at one on one b-ball. I like Heero. I guess I have for a while. What a stupid thing to do huh? I mean, where's this gonna go? Probably just down the drain. I can't do anything about it either. Wufei called me names when stood up in shock of my realization and knocked him into the thorny rose plant. Lost my job today. Quatre said he'd hook be up with a new one.

Dear Diary,
I am really tired. Quatre wasn't kidding when he mentioned setting me up with a new job. I now am an official fish carrying person. I unload fish from the boats and take them to the market. It's smelly hard work. Yuck! Wufei and Heero wouldn't even come near me I stank like fish so bad! My goal is to get fired from this job. I'm good at that. I guess I don't like being told to do something and not being able to have a little fun. Trowa's got all the luck. He gets to get knives thrown at him as an occupation. I can't believe that Heero wouldn't come near me, though! There is no way that I can bear this!

Nothing happened today. I watched cartoons. Made Wufei watch sailor moon with me.

I GOT FIRED!!!!!!!! Yes! I am so happy! Now I don't have to smell like fish! Trowa, Wufei, and Quatre are all going shopping tomorrow. I wonder why wufei is going?? Heero said he'd be gone too. That means I get the house to myself! (A.k.a. Journal Lock Picking Time) Quatre was making a cake today, and I switched recipes so that he made the wrong kind. Quatre wasn't upset though. The cake was good!

Dearest Diary,
Today was poetry. In his journal Hee-chan said "I just don't know what to feel about that Braided imbecile! Sometimes I want to hug him and sometimes I want to rip his head off! I don't know what to do. I guess I'll just stay me." That was cool, but I don't exactly get it. What should I do? Anyway, while I was at it I picked Trowa's Lock too. He has mostly a bunch of mush about his "Blonde Angel". He did have some poetry with Quatre's name in it that I sneaked into Wufei's room. When Quaty goes in for laundry duty he'll be surprised!
~Almighty Shinigami

Trowa had laundry duty this week. Wufei and him figured it out and gave me holy what-for! It was scarey. Wufei ranted and Trowa, He actually blushed! I guess that wasn't meant for my eyes, ne? Heero isn't back yet. I'm very worried for him!

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