Dark Kingdom Chapter 10

By: Dia-chan

Disclaimer! I do NOT own the gundam boys, please don't sue me.

Title: Dark Kingdom
Author: Dia-chan
Pairings: 1x2, 3+4, 5+Sally
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: YAOI! lemon, angst, sap, future Relena bashing, OOC, AU
Note* Thank you for the reviews everyone. I'm sorry, I got a little wrapped up playing Final Fantasy 8 yesterday and I was to tired to write. I hope you all enjoy this chapter. ^_^

" Don't move " Dorothy growled.

Heero froze in his tracks. His blood turned to ice when he saw that blade dig deeper into Duo's throat. A small trickle of blood traveled down his neck and dissapeared under his shirt. Heero gave Dorothy his infamous death glare. In return, Dorothy just smirked.

" Prince Trowa, please step away from my king, " Dorothy said sweetly. Her lips curved into an innocent smile, " You don't want your little friend to get hurt do you? "

Trowa immediately stepped away from Dekim, holding his arms above his head in surrendor. Dekim laughed as he walked towards Heero. He stepped behind Heero and pushed him to the floor. Heero fell face first onto the cold hardwood floor. And then Dekim's foot was pressed into his back.

Duo's eyes flared with anger, his body began to tremble with anger. How dare that old fart place his dirty foot on *his* Heero! Duo tried pulling out of Dorothy's grip, ignoring the burning pain on his throat.

" Keep still " Dorothy said through clenched teeth.

Heero looked up. Duo's violet eyes were locked on Dekim accusingly, the blade was pressing deeper and deeper into that lovely throat.

" Duo, keep still " Heero ordered. Duo's violet orbs met his, communicating with his eyes ' I'm going to KILL him! ' Heero shook his head and reluctantly Duo stopped resisting.

How the hell were they going to get out of this? Heero thought wildly. His brain coming up with various strategies, but each one involved Duo getting hurt. They were fucked. They were so fucked. Dekim had the upper hand. And no doubt Treize and Zechs would surrendor in exchange for their prince's safety.

Damn it. Dekim had them all. Trowa, Duo, Quatre.....Quatre....Quatre! Heero immediately used his powers, trying to detect the blonds presence without turning his head.

There, a faint detection, but to far to determine exactly where he was. Maybe Quatre could get them out of this. Make some kind of distraction so Dekim and Dorothy would look the other way. He was sure those two didn't know about the small blond wandering around.

Footsteps could be heard running towards their direction. Shit. Dekim's soldiers. Dekim's foot pressed harder into Heero's back.

" I feel so honored that *both* of you tried to kill me at the same time, " Dekim said, " But i'm especially surprised that you value this boys life "

Heero gritted his teeth. Dekim would pay for this. He would make sure of that. And so would Dorothy. Both of them would die very slow and painful deaths. Heero smiled at the thought of tortureing the two of them.

Dekims soldiers entered the room with so much noise Duo's ears throbbed with pain. " Your majesty, are you alright?! "

" Yes, " Dekim said slowly, " No thanks to you. Take our special guests to the dungeon. We don't have time to play around with them yet "

Trowa, Duo, and Heero were taken down below. The air got colder and colder the farther and farther they went down. The guards opened large metal doors, and the smell of mildew was heavy in the air. They stepped through the doors and were thrown into a nearby cell. Hay covered the concrete floors and a small barred window allowed some moonlight into the room. Other than that, they were plungened into darkness.

" I'm sorry guys " Duo sighed heavily. He pressed his back against the brick wall, closing his eyes, " I hope Quatre's alright "

" Quatre's fine " Heero replied, giving Trowa a reasurring nod, " I can sense him. He's still somewhere in the castle "

" So what are we going to do now? " Duo asked.

" I can't use my magic to get us out of here, " Trowa said looking around the cell, " They've got an anti-magic field in here "

Trowa turned to Heero. Heero stood from the floor and looked around. No one. No one except fellow prisioners. Don't they keep this place guarded? What the hell were all of Dekims soldiers doing anyway? It's like they've completely abandoned the castle.

Heero wrapped his hands around two bars and pulled. The bars snapped in two and a sharp gasp passed through Heero's lips. In the middle of the metal was wood and the wood cut into Heero's hand.

" Heero! " Duo cried in alarm. He rushed to his lovers side. He ripped off his sleeve and wrapped it tightly around Heero's hand.

" Dekims not as stupid as he looks " Heero muttered.

" It looks like were stuck here " Trowa said. He leaned against the wall and looked out the window. " Perhaps Quatre will be able to find Rashid "

" How's Quatre supposed to know who Rashid is? " Duo asked raising an eyebrow.

" Rashid know's who you two are " Trowa replied.

I hope your alright little one.


As soon as Quatre realized the others were caught he bolted immediately. He had hidden into an empty room a few rooms down from the throne room. What was he going to do? How was he supposed to save the three of them?

Quatre was thinking about going back to the Dark Kingdom and informing Trowa's soldiers, but, he couldn't just leave Trowa here. Besides, he didn't think he'd be able to find his way out of that dark cave.

So now, here he was trying to make his way through the castle as inconspicuously as possible. He had heard Dekims soldiers take the others out of the throne room and Dekim and Dorothy had left soon afterwards.

Where are they? Quatre wondered. If I was a king and I had people I didn't want to escape, where would I take them? The answer came as immediately as he thought the question. To the dungeons. But how was he going to find the dungeons? This place was like a maze.

In all the movies, dungeons were always placed at the bottom of the castle. Quatre looked around for the nearest staircase and when he found one he descended the stairs as quietly as possible.

Down and down he climbed. The air was so cold it was like he was smoking. Finally, he reached large metal doors.


" He's here " Heero informed everyone. He stood up from Duo's warm embrace and walked over to the bars. His prussian eyes locked on the large metal doors. The doors creaked open with a loadly. And a little blond head lurked around the door.

" Quatre " Trowa said smiling. He walked up to the bars as his blond angel bounced happily towards them.

" Trowa! Your okay " Quatre smiled. His blue eyes swimming with tears.

" You have to find the keys for this cell. We can't break the bars " Trowa instructed, " Try checking that wall over there "

Trowa pointed to a darkened corner. There was a small outline of a desk and Quatre quickly hurried over. He rummaged through the drawers, his hand pressing blindly against the walls. Nothing. Everything was bare. There wasn't even a sheet of paper.

" There's nothing here! " Quatre said panicking. He returned quickly to his lover and friends, " What are we going to do? What are we going to do? "

" Quatre, calm down " Heero said, " You have to find our spy Rashid "

Quatre's eyes widened, " B-But how am I supposed to know who he is? I've never even seen him before "

" Relax Q-man. You can do it " Duo encourged, " No one will suspect you. You've got the right uniform and as far as Dekim and the others know, they've got all of us "

" You'll be fine little one " Trowa said soothingly, " Rashid is extremely tall and he resembles wolverine from x-men "

Duo snickered, " Really? " Even Quatre managed a smile.

" He's probably hanging around Dekim or some of the other top officials. Rashid knows who you are so don't worry about approaching him. Let him come to you " Heero said.

Quatre sucked in a deep breath, gathering up his courage, and he slowly nodded. " I won't let you down "

Quatre leaned forward and gave Trowa a long and sweet kiss. Their eyes locked for a long moment and Quatre whispered, " I love you "

" I love you too " And then Quatre was gone in a little blond blur.


" Leiutenant Rashid, you are to lead the front line soldiers into battle " Lady Une ordered. A black patch covered one of her eyes and Rashid had to bite back a smirk. He had been informed of how Une had recieved that wound.

However, his amusement quickly faded as he caught sight of a familiar blond. Rashid quickly looked around for Dorothy. No doubt that girl would open her mouth the instant she saw the little blond.

" Excuse me for a moment " Rashid said sounding casual, " Natures call "

Rashid made his way quickly, but inconspicuously towards the innocent blond. He didn't stand out, he was dressed in a similiar uniform as everyone else, but Dorothy would definetely notice. He passed the blond and muttered, " Follow me " load enough for Quatre to hear, but to soft for anyone else to notice.

Quatre jumped at the sound of the voice. He turned around and faced a tall mans retreating back. He was heading into the castle. Quatre quickly followed. This man had better be Rashid, or else, he was screwed.

Quatre followed Rashid up a staircase and into a room. As soon as Quatre stepped in, the door shut behind him.

" What are you doing here? Does Prince Trowa know that your here? " Rashid asked quickly, not bothering to beat around the bush.

" Trowa and Heero are in the dungeons. Dekim captured them! " Quatre exclaimed.

" Shhh, there may still be soldiers around " Rashid pressed a finger to his lips. He stayed quiet for a moment, trying to detect whether anyone had heard or not. They were safe. " Prince Heero and Prince Trowa are here? "

Quatre nodded. " Yes, and they need your help. You have to get them out of there "

Rashid quickly grabbed the blond by his arm and literally pulled Quatre down to the dungeons. He muttered angrily under his breath about blowing his cover, etc, etc. " How did their plan fail? "

Quatre gulped, " Duo got in the way "

" Baka " Rashid continued his rant until they arrived at the dungeons. He swung open the doors, not bothering to be quiet and quickly made his way over to his captured prince's.

" Rashid, " Heero said climbing to his feet, " What's going on here? What's Dekim planning? "

Rashid pulled out several keys, trying them in the lock while he explained to Heero, " Dekim is planning on attacking the Dark Kingdom tonight. I've already informed Wufei so their prepared for the battle. But, i'm not sure if they'll be able fight back "

" Why not? " Trowa asked. Rashid had worked the lock free and the three of them climbed out of the cell. Following Rashid out of the dungeon.

" For one thing, we're outnumbered. And Une and Dekim have something planned. They won't tell anyone about it. But i'm guessing it's something extremely powerful and extremely unpleasant. The vampire hunters are attacking at the secret gate and Dekims soldiers are attacking the front gate. As far as they know, the Dark Kingdom doesn't know about the alliance between the two kingdoms " Rashid said. While all that talking, they found themselves standing infront of the door to the outside once more.

" When will Dekim be attacking? " Heero asked while Trowa opened the door.

" Une has us all gathered and ready to be dispatched, " Rashid replied, " I need to get going. I've already arranged it with Wufei. I'm bringing in the front line soldiers, but those will be easily wiped out "

" How? " Trowa asked.

" I'm going to bring them on the mountainside. A couple of soldiers will just crush them with rocks " Rashid smiled. " Be careful your highness'. This will indeed be a fierce battle "

" Thank you Rashid " Heero said and slipped out the door, holding Duo's hand and pulling the braided boy with him.

" Yes, thank you Rashid " Trowa replied. He and Quatre slipped out the door and hurried back to the Dark Kingdom as quickly as they could.


They arrived at the Dark Kingdom alot quicker than it took getting to the Endless Kingdom. Heero made sure that Duo was fed, he didn't want another episode where he thought Quatre was lunch. But what shocked him was when the braided boy insisted that food be made for him.

Heero shook his head. Leaving Duo with Trowa and Quatre to feast. They were going to go to battle soon and the boy still wanted to eat.

Heero went to the stable area. All the horses were saddled and ready to go. Zechs was at the front gate with a group of his soldiers and Treize was at the other gate. Heero took Wing and went towards Zechs' group. The vampire hunters weren't going to be *too* hard to deal with, after all, they were only human. Dekims soldiers however, they were going to be a slight problem.

" Our scouts detected Dekims soldiers, they should be here in about a half an hour " Zechs said when Heero arrived. Heero just nodded. Concentrating and trying to figure out what Lady Une was planning to do. He was going to get her.

" What about the vampire hunters? " Heero asked after a few moments of silence.

" They should be arriving at about the same time "

Heero sucked in a deep breath. He and the other soldiers waited patiently for any signs of the soldiers. Heero felt a presence coming towards them. A very familiar presence. Heero swung around and caught sight of Duo approaching on Deathsythe.

" What are you doing here? " Heero asked. He used the coldest and hardest voice he could muster towards his love. Trying to scare him away. Duo would just end up getting hurt again.

" What does it look like? "

" Baka. Go back to the castle "

" Heero, I can take care of myself, " Heero cocked an eyebrow, " Most of the time anyway "

" Don't worry about me Hee-chan, i'll be fine. You just concentrate on getting that Une person " Duo smiled, " I want to get Dorothy. And I won't get trapped this time "

" Duo, you don't understand. It's dangerous and you haven't been trained for the battle field "

" Heero, I remember you telling me that I was now a hunter, a killer. I'm going to go with my instincts, and my instincts are telling me that I need to fight " Duo replied, " I need to fight for you "

Heero eyed his lover. Duo sure was stubborn. So far, the braided baka had only managed to get into trouble. But this was something Duo was set on doing, and the determination in those violet depths told him that Duo would be fine.

" You better be careful " Heero growled. Duo beamed, " You be careful to Hee-chan "


Trowa and Quatre sat on the stone steps infront of the stables, " Trowa, do you have to go into this battle? "

Trowa nodded. " Heero and I need to direct the soldiers. We need to tell them how to attack should anything happen "

" Well, can you stay here with me just for a little while? " Quatre asked quietly.

Trowa smiled. He draped an arm around Quatre's shoulders and kissed him. Quatre returned the kiss eagerly. His tongue dancing along with Trowas.

The ground shook beneath them and the sound of pounding horsehooves filled their ears. Trowa immediately stood up, " Quatre, are you *sure* you don't want to go home for now? I promise you I will come and get you when things settle down "

Quatre shook his head, " No Trowa. I'm not leaving here without you "

" I have to go little one. Remember to go into the shelter downstairs. Sally Po should be waiting down there. Don't open the door for anyone until Wufei is sure that they aren't an enemy. You got that? " Trowa turned to two of his guards, " You two, keep him safe and do *not* leave his side "

" Yes sir " The two saluted and escorted Quatre back into the castle.

Trowa jumped onto Heavyarms and headed towards Treize. He would alternate between battlefields. Knowing that Heero would abandon Zechs and the soldiers as soon as Une showed up.


" Duo, once you find Dorothy and defeat her, return to the castle at once, " Heero said as soon as the sound of horsehooves were detected, " There's a shelter at the bottom of the stairs. You go there immediately alright! "

" Okay, " Duo replied, " Heero, please be careful "

Heero smiled at him briefly, " Don't worry about me. Take care of yourself koi "

" Zechs, you have soldiers hidden in the tree's right " Heero asked.

" Yes sir! " Zechs saluated, " Alright men! Get ready for battle! Are you ready?! "

Hundreds of men shouted their agreement and they took off. Heading directly towards Dekims soldiers.

The sky was quickly lighted in different colors. Red, blue, green, purple. It looked like a festival although the shouts and screams were not amused.

" Duo, stay by my side until you find Dorothy or until I find Une okay " Heero said. The two of them hadn't moved from their spot.

Duo simply nodded. His eyes scanning the area for the blond devil. And there she was, watching the battle from the sidelines in amusement.

" There she is! Be careful okay Hee-chan! " Duo yelled taking off.

" You be careful " Heero replied quietly. While scanning the area for Une, he kept an eye on his lover. If there was so much as a scratch on Duo, Dorothy would have hell to pay.

" Hey Dorothy! " Duo yelled catching the blond by surprise once again. He pulled out a sword and jumped off of Deathsythes back.

" Your such an annoying pest " Dorothy grumbled jumping off of her own horse as well, " How did you escape the dungeons? "

" None of your buisness " Duo snapped, he lunged forward with his sword and surprised himself by his quickness.

Dorothy blocked the blow, her eyes began glowing blue once more and launched her energy. Duo dodged it and kicked her in the back of her knee. The girl buckled for a moment and then regained her balance.

" Not bad, " Dorothy swung her sword out and Duo jumped back. The blade was the same as her knife, wood at the tip.

" You should have killed me while you had the chance " Duo attacked once again. His sword clipped the side of her uniform, causing a small tear.

Dorothy shot another energy ball and caught Duo in his arm. However, Duo didn't lose balance or falter his hold on his sword. Instead, he leapt forward and his sword peirced her left thigh causing the wound to bleed instantly.

" Pretty good for a human turned vampire " Dorothy said through clenched teeth, " But not good enough! "

Dorothy sent a different type of energy. This one was as red as a fireball and Duo could only assume it felt like a fire ball. He leapt out of the way quickly, but he fell to his knees. Dorothy laughed and stalked forward. Duo looked up to see a satisfied Dorothy standing over him, she raised her sword above her head and yelled, " Now you really will die! "

Duo brought his sword up and shoved it deep into Dorothys stomache. The girl screamed in pain, her sword dropping to the ground. Duo picked himself up, and now he was the one standing over her.

" Isn't payback a bitch? " Duo grinned. A craziness welled up inside him from out of nowhere, his fangs peirced his bottom lip as he looked down on his prey. He picked Dorothy up by her shoulders and brought her neck to his lips.

He sank his fangs into her throat and drank heavily. Drinking and drinking, the rich blood spilling down his throat. He was going to kill her. The bitch deserved to die. She killed him after all.......but.....that would make him a killer wouldn't it? He would be no better than her.

He pulled back and threw her to the side. She stared up at him in shock and muttered, " Your a fool "

Duo glared at her, his fangs dissapeared and he looked her straight in the eyes, " Don't you ever come back here, if you do, I *will* kill you "

As Duo mounted Deathsythe and headed back to the castle a thought struck him. He had gotten Dorothy in the stomache, she was probably dead anyway. Well he wasn't going to *help* her recover so he ignored the thought and continued towards the castle. After all, he did show mercy. That was good enough for him.


Heero was shocked from the fight between Dorothy and Duo. His lover had spared her life. Heero felt strangely proud of him. Duo had become part of the darkness, but he wasn't about to embrace it with open arms. Heero smiled. Duo was still the same after all.

Heero watched as his lover entered the castle unharmed. Satisfied that he was safe he turned back to the battle field. His soldiers were doing alright. They were holding up, the soldiers hidden in the tree's didn't need to be dispersed yet. And then he saw the red glow in the sky. Different from the energy balls which lit the sky.

Lady Une was finally here. Heero and Wing took off, heading towards Une with no hesitation. He ran through the battle field.

Heero sent his mind numbing energy once more, but Une had somehow reflected it. Causing it to hit Heero instead. Heero shook his head, how did she do that?

" It seems you haven't witnessed my true power yet Heero Yuy, " Lady Une cackled. Dozens of stakes floated in the air in back of her, and they were thrown at him so quickly he barely had time to block each and every stake.

" And you think you've witnessed mine? " Heero shot back. He gathered up his energy, useing a different type of attack. His own lightening shot from the sky and hit Une directly in the arm.

Une hissed out in anger, several more stakes appeared and flew towards Heero. While Heero dodged the stakes, Une made the ground below Heero tremble. Causing Wing to lose balance and tumble over. Heero fell off of Wings back, and in the process of all the shaking, Wing rolled over him completely.

Heero lost his breath for a moment as the horses entire weight crushed him. And then he was transforming once again. Emerging as the same hawk as before. Without much else to do but go for Unes eyes, that's what he did. However, he didn't have as much success as he did the last time. Une was prepared for the attack. But, Une couldn't be expecting something Heero had never done before.

Heero gathered his strength and energy, and he entered Une's mind. *He* was now in control of Une's body. Une pulled the sword from her waist band, she glared up at Heero and Heero smirked. Or tried to, being a hawk you had no lips.

The knife tore through Une's chest and she let out an earpeircing scream. The scream was so load it seemed as though the entire battle halted to stare at the bright red figure. And then it happened. Lady Une began to laugh. A crazy, insane kind of laugh. She looked up at Heero and smiled.

" Are you ready for your big surprise Heero Yuy? " Une managed to get out. Blood trickled out of her mouth but she was still smiling.

The red light that encased Une before was nothing compared to the light which was coming from her form now. It was so bright Heero had to turn his sensitive eyes away. But he could hear everything.

There was a deep roar, like the sound of a million avalanches tumbling down at the same time. And a bright flash of light. Completely red, Heero's eyes shut, and even from the air, the vibrations from the ground reached him.

In a matter of seconds everything was quiet and still. There were no longer shouts coming from the battlefield. No flashing lights. No hoofbeats. No nothing. Heero opened his eyes slowly, and he couldn't believe the vision he saw before him.

To be continued............

Gomen ne minna-san. Another cliffhanger. I hope you all enjoyed this chapter. I had fun writing it. Please tell me what you think.

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