Willing Slave Chapter 12
By: KC

Willing Slave

Warnings: shonen ai, yaoi, violence, tiny tiny implied yuri,

Setting: Alternative Universe, in a fantasy past

Disclaimers: Gundam Wing characters belong to Mixx Entertainment, Koichi Tokita, the SOTSU Agency, Sunrise, Kodansha and anyone I may have forgotten, not to me. I make no money off of this.

"It's about time you came back."

Wufei gave his lover an apologetic look as he locked the bedroom door behind himself. "I'm sorry, Treize. Dinner took awhile longer than I expected. Did you just get in?"

Treize, who was in the process of removing his uniform, nodded. "Zechs and I finally broke that assassin down, but it took much longer than it usually does." He threw Wufei a punitive glare. "Interrogation is much simpler with a truth spell."

Wufei lowered his eyes. "I'm sorry, but I really wanted to see Quatre again. If I'd known there were no truth charms left in the dungeon--"

"It's all right," Treize said, cutting him off with a wave of his hand. "You needed some time away from your duties, and Quatre doesn't come by very often...and to be honest, there were truth charms, but they weren't working."

Wufei, assured that Treize was not upset at him, stepped closer as he pulled his long shirt off. "Not working? I only did them last week." He tossed his clothing onto the back of a close chair and helped Treize properly fold the uniform.

"It wasn't the charms, it was the assassin," Treize replied. "He resisted more than I've ever seen before." He sighed and put both hands on the table, leaning against it as his exhaustion showed through. "I don't understand this."

Eager to relax his lover, Wufei whipped his tank top off and put his arms around Treize, gently guiding him towards the bed. "What do you mean?"

"I don't think the assassination was the main goal," Treize answered, allowing the sorcerer to manhandle him. He sat down on the edge of the mattress and looked up at him. "I think it was just a handy way to send that challenge to you. If the assassin had succeeded, it would have been a pleasant surprise for whoever hired him."

"So...he was a professional?" Wufei asked. He pulled off his dark slippers and climbed onto the bed behind Treize, where he began to rub the knots out of his back.

Treize nodded, groaning slightly as his shoulders drooped. "Yes, and highly paid, too. I'm still trying to figure out how Duo was able to hold him off."

Wufei shrugged, working on the small of Treize's back. "But who would want to challenge me? I'm not even that well known in this country."

"No, but you were fairly well regarded before the collapse of Quatre's country." Treize caught sight of Wufei's hands as the Chinese boy worked on massaging his arms. The caramel skin was perfectly smooth and creamy. Treize sadly sighed and lay his hand on Wufei's, holding the wrist up softly. "You don't need the glamour around me, Wufei. I know it wears you out, holding it up."

Wufei leaned against Treize, looking over his shoulder. "I...you shouldn't have to see those marks," he whispered.

Treize smiled and turned his head, kissing Wufei's cheek. "I know they're there, and they make no difference to me. Let the glamour drop. You know I love you."

With a deep breath, Wufei concentrated for a moment, and suddenly the skin around his wrists became visibly scarred, as if he'd been forced to wear red hot bracelets. Treize stroked the rough skin lovingly, gingerly caressing it. The tender strokes made Wufei smile despite the shame those scars held for him.

"They're still healing," Treize observed. "After all this time, and they're still healing."

"Iron burns magick," Wufei said simply. "At least my hands were not crippled."

"No one understood why you couldn't walk," Treize whispered. "I was so lucky to find you before they sold you off to necromancers."

Wufei closed his eyes. The memories were so bittersweet. On one hand, he had been so thoroughly humiliated, but on the other...that was when he'd met Treize. "Quatre still doesn't know what happened," he mumbled. "I had to keep the glamour up during dinner, at least."

"He won't find out from me," Treize promised. "He'd feel so guilty, even though it wasn't his fault."

Wufei nodded once. The slave blocks...the words still stung whenever he thought about them. "I'm glad you found me."

"So am I." Treize turned and firmly pushed Wufei back onto the bed, startling him. "Now, why were you gone so long?"

Relieved by the shift to a more playful subject, Wufei smiled and stretched out. "Because I was eating at the prince's table with royalty and learning state secrets. Trowa's still taking long walks at night."

Treize laughed and leaned over him, laying one hand flat on Wufei's muscled abdomen so he couldn't get up. "Quatre can't break him of his clandestine killing, hmm?"

"And Quatre still rides off on his horse without telling anyone where he's going." Wufei wriggled as Treize started to yank off his white pants. "And I thought you were too tired for any of this."

"And I thought I told you I wanted you back before bedtime," Treize snapped, a smile on his face.

"I'll come in when I please," Wufei retorted. "I am not at your beck and call."

"Oh, such a willful, disobedient slave," Treize shook his head. These games of deliciously punishing the naughty slave were quite enjoyable, even if they weren't serious. "I should really teach you a lesson."

Wufei couldn't help his delighted laugh as his master climbed on top of him, grabbing his hands and pinning them down to the bed as he placed little kisses along his throat. "Careful," the sorcerer warned him. "I could turn you into a little panda and make you do tricks--mmf!"

His voice was cut off as Treize forced a rough kiss from him. He closed his eyes, his body falling limp in Treize's grip. The captain grinned as he drew back, pleased as he listened to Wufei's delirious sigh. "I always know how to stop your mouth, my slave. Now, you should know better than to threaten me with another furry shape. Maybe I ought to lock you up in silver chains until your manners improve."

Wufei smiled as he gazed up at him. "Maybe you should..."


"Is the window locked?" Trowa asked, removing his shirt.

There was an audible click from behind him. "Now it is," Quatre answered, coming back to the bed. He deftly removed the large amount of jewelry from his body, sighing sadly as he shook out little grains of sand from between the stones and metal. "It's going to take forever to clean this up."

Trowa chuckled and helped remove the noisy bangles from his concubine's arm. "Nonsense...just a few hours. Your guard can take care of it." He quickly undressed his blonde lover, brushing off a handful of grains of sand from his body. "You'll definitely need a bath tomorrow when you wake up."

"You're going to talk with Heero, aren't you?" Quatre asked.

Trowa nodded. "We need to discuss things. Don't worry about that. Tomorrow I just want you to take a hot bath and relax. You've had a rough trip."

Quatre shook his head. "Trowa...you know I'm not that fragile. I mean...I know I'm not a prince anymore...but...I can still help..."

Trowa looked down at him as Quatre lowered his head sadly. He softly touched Quatre's shoulder, cupping his hand so he could tilt Quatre's face up. "You'll always be my little prince," he said, trying to reassure him. "I love you."

Quatre gave him a sad, knowing smile. "But..."

"But you are far too trusting," Trowa admitted. "It is part of why I love you, but it also means I have to shield you from certain things. I can't tell you what may come because I might have to kill someone, and you would try to talk me out of it, and I simply cannot risk losing my resolve." He bent and kissed him, trying to erase the hurt look from the normally happy face. "I have to protect you, Quatre. Do you understand?"

Quatre nodded reluctantly. "Yes, I do...but you will let me help, if you think I can, right?"

Trowa smiled. "You know I will. Now lay down."

Quatre eased beneath the blankets and groaned as his sore muscles finally got the chance to relax. "I don't mean to sound ungrateful. I'm really glad you brought me with you."

Trowa finished disrobing and snapped off the lights, joining his lover. "I knew you would want to come, that's why I brought you. I'm sure you'll see Wufei again tomorrow."

Snuggling close, Quatre nodded vigorously. "Probably at the baths, and Duo should be there, too. He's friendly, don't you think?"

"Friendly?" Trowa wondered. "Naive, certainly. Heero had better be careful with what he tells that boy." He frowned and glanced at his concubine. "You like him, don't you?"

Quatre recognized his lover's jealous tone and stretched up to kiss him. "He's nice, but nowhere near as beautiful as you are. Or tall. But it will be nice to talk to someone who will talk back."

Trowa snorted at the gentle tease and put one arm around Quatre, effectively immobilizing him. "Cheeky...get to sleep before I decide to have you right now."

Quatre yawned drowsily and nodded. "Love you, Trowa."

"Sweet dreams," Trowa whispered. And hopefully none of your nightmares... He shook his head, nothing he could do about those right now. He squeezed Quatre affectionately and drifted off to sleep beside him.

On To Chapter 13

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